
Corporate / Group Programs

Myres & Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Programs

Knowing about personality type can take you leaps and bounds in your understanding of self and others. The validity of the MBTI is well established across industries. This program gives you an introduction to what it's all about, and how it can benefit you personally! The MBTI model of personality was developed by Myres & Briggs who wrote that "what appears to be random behavior is actually the result of differences in the way people prefer to use their mental capacities."

Know Thyself!

Ever wonder why things don't seem to go your way. It all begins with understanding Yourself as a person, what drives you, and what limits you. This 1-day program is designed to break the code that defines you and reprogram you for success.

The Right Way!

This is a 1-day program to enhance communication skills and make them work for you. The program begins with understanding your communication style and how your style can match your clients for success.

Outcome Driven Life

This 1-day program is designed for clients to help you identify what drives them, what strengths can you leverage to meet your goals. The program works to define INCRED outcomes and associated leaps that make outcomes tangible and achievable.

Personalized Programs

Yes, I Can!

Yes, I Can! ~ is customized program for clients who wish to turn around their lives and program themselves for success in all areas of life. This is a 5-week program. Over 5 weeks, our coaches will work with you on:

- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

- How will you get there?

- Do you know Yourself?

- Unlock Your Potential

- Outcomes & Power Leaps

- Success Blueprint

- Sustain Your Success

AWESOME ME! ~ 360° Program

"Awesome Me"! is a customized program for clients who wish to turn around their lives and program themselves for success in all areas of life. This is a 10-week program. Over 10 weeks, our coaches will work with you on:

- Your Mission

- Your Vision and Your Purpose

- Personality Assessment

- Wheel of Life

- Your Values

- Your Power Codes and Limiting Beliefs

- Recoding Your Mental Map

- Outcomes+

- Future Maps

- Sustaining Success


You may have the right set of skills and the potential, but do you have what it takes to reach the next level? A coach can help you gain focus, insight and mindfulness. A coach can help you take complete accountability for your life, your decisions and your actions; thereby empowering you to achieve outcomes. A coach works with you every step of your journey to keep you honest and committed to your goals. If you want to live your dream, and shatter your limiting beliefs, then coaching is for you.


Let's Talk offers a range of programs that are designed to guarantee consistent results and sustainable success. The programs are designed and enhanced with continuous feedback from clients. We have programs for corporates / educational institutions, groups and individuals. Depending on your requirements, your coach with work to customize a program that meets your defined outcome and addresses your key need.

Individual sessions are initiated with a discovery session and followed with multiple 1- 1 sessions with each session kicked off with a recap and effectiveness check and wrapped up with an action plan.

Get ready to take charge now. Pick a program that works for you.

Benefits of Coaching

Increase clarity

Improve your morale and motivation

Achieve your Health & Wellness Goals

Improve your relationships

Become a happier person

Begin Your Clarity Program

Starting your journey with us?

+91 9643782502