This 1-day program is designed for clients to help you identify what drives them, what strengths can you leverage to meet your goals. The program works to define smart outcomes and associated leaps that make outcomes tangible and achievable.
Yes, I Can! ~ is customized program for clients who wish to turn around their lives and program themselves for 3600 success in all areas of life. This is a 5 week program. Over 5 weeks, our coaches will work with you on:
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- How will you get there?
- Do you know Yourself?
- Unlock Your Potential
- Outcomes & Power Leaps
- Success Blueprint
- Sustain Your Success
Coaching is a guided journey; where your coach will only help you find answers to questions. The coach will work with you to discover yourself; reinvent yourself and position you for success.
Your coach is your independent friend and your listener. The coach will help you achieve tangible results when you have unleashed your true potential.
Your Let's Talk Coach will meet you for a discovery session. Once you decide to work together, your coach will customize a program to meet your personality, and your immediate outcomes. The program will be driven by what works for you!
The 5-week program will be marked with Mind Maps, Reinventing Sessions and Monitoring Achievements.
Get ready for the Power of Clarity and the Magic it can add to your life!